Risks and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence advancement has grown in recent months with technology companies such as Microsoft and Google integrating their artificial intelligence technology into their browsers, products, and services. With artificial intelligence becoming more sophisticated and widespread, the warnings of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence grow louder. US Congress recently met with OpenAI CEO Altman to give congressional testimony on artificial intelligence, highlighting AI tools' risks. Artificial intelligence is an upcoming technology into the unknown with many wary of the potential impacts it may have in society. Here are some risks that it may bring.

Job Loss

Artificial intelligence has the potential to automate many tasks or roles in many industries like marketing, manufacturing, and healthcare. AI automation may displace a large population of workers, however, some say that it will create new jobs as well. These new roles will need many employees to be upskilled otherwise companies will be left behind. Even professions that require graduate degrees or post-graduate training aren’t immune and will need upskilling in the world of artificial intelligence.

Social Manipulation

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok rely on AI algorithms to determine which content to display on your feed. They also rely on AI to filter out harmful and inaccurate content. However, many safeguarding and political groups have criticised social platforms on their ability to protect their users from dangerous and misleading media. Online media have been plagued with deep fakes and fake news. With AI tools, individuals are capable of creating fake news that can sway public opinion. 

Social Surveillance

AI technology can be used to help with security and privacy within a country. For example, China uses facial recognition technology in offices, schools, and venues to track a person’s movement to gather enough data on an individual's activity, relationship, and political views. Governments could use artificial intelligence to predict where crimes will occur, however, algorithms are influenced by past data which could disproportionately impact a particular community.



AI relies on additional data to run algorithms, but these data and algorithms are developed by humans who are inherently biased. AI researchers may contribute their views when developing artificial intelligence creating results that are biased towards a particular social group.

Weapons Use

Artificial intelligence use is dependent on companies and researchers to best use the technology in a positive way to improve the world. Others may integrate the technology in weapon systems to improve their destructive capabilities which poses a major risk to civilians, especially if these weapon systems are in the wrong hands.  


Artificial intelligence opens up many user cases that can help improve the way we live by automating tasks to allow employees to focus on impactive work. AI can process vast information within seconds enabling us to predict any risks that could happen in the future. Although there are many applications that artificial intelligence can help with, there are also many risks and impact it may have on society. Jobless is heavily documented in association with AI; although it could potentially displace a huge population of the workforce it could also create new jobs which companies will need to upskill their employees to help with the transition. Whether artificial intelligence is a tool that will benefit the world or cause chaos it is the responsibility of governments, companies, and its users on how we use the technology. All it takes is certain groups or users that use the technology in a way that could cause trouble or destruction that will make artificial intelligence a danger to society. Governments will need to create regulations to help mitigate the risk of increasingly powerful AI systems.

Video: Top Moments From ChatGPT Creator’s Congressional Testimony by CNET


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