James Phang

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5 Things to Consider About the Electric Vehicle Revolution

There is no doubt that the electric vehicle revolution Is picking up pace with the adoption of electric vehicles expected to pick up in the coming years. Car manufacturers are slowly focusing on electric vehicles with many expecting to release their first electric vehicles in the next few years. As more electric vehicles become available, prices should become more affordable and the adoption rate should increase. Electric vehicles are on course to replace internal combustion engine vehicles. The adoption of electric vehicles plays a critical part in battling climate change. Electric vehicles are a new kind of vehicle that brings challenges on the road that highlights how currently our roads, cities, cars, and personal driving habits are catered to internal combustion engines.


Travelling on motorways at high-speed car tires rub against the road producing a lot of noise. In city environments when driving at low speeds, the hum of the engines is the sound we associate with cars. As electric vehicles have fewer moving parts and are quiet, they can help cut down on noise pollution. When walking or biking around cities you may often rely on the engine sound to sense when it's safe to cross. As electric vehicles are so quiet manufacturers have started to add engine sounds to help pedestrians and cyclists.


Electric vehicles weigh more that their internal combustion counterparts due to the number of batteries needed to power an electric car. The extra weight can create a dangerous situation for pedestrians. As the number of electric cars continues to rise, the extra weight could put stress on existing road infrastructure and road weight limits may need to be reconsidered.


Low temperature causes chemical reactions in lithium-ion batteries to start down. In extreme weather, batteries can be working harder to heat or cool the temperature in the cabin. The more electricity you use inside the cabin such as stereos, heaters, and air-con will significantly decrease your car range.  Areas with high chance of flooding can be a risk for electric vehicles as electric vehicle batteries can be submerged in saltwater which is conducive for electricity. 

Maintenance and Repair

Due to fewer moving parts electric vehicles generally require less maintenance and fewer repairs. On the other hand, electric cars are highly computerised and are often updated via over-the-air downloads. The rise of electric vehicles will mean new kinds of car repair are needed therefore current mechanics will need huge amounts of training to cater for the rise of these new types of repairs.

As electric vehicles are highly dependent on software for features such as AI-powered lane assistance to monitor environmental changes a buggy software update can cause problems. Software bugs can increase the chances of accidents occurring especially when drivers start to be dependent on self-driving features.


Electric vehicles are capable of extreme acceleration when compared to combustion engines. Electric vehicles can achieve extreme acceleration due to the electric motors sending power straight to the wheels. Pedestrians and cyclists will have to adapt to the new acceleration to estimate whether it’s safe to cross the road or make a turn based on how far away the nearest is.