Oppo X 2021: Rollable Display Phone Concept

The likes of LG have been teasing the idea of extendable displays on smartphones for a while now and revealed a rollable concept smartphone: the Oppo X 2021. The phone features an expandable display, where with a swipe of a button the phone can transform between its regular 6.7-inch display to a tablet-like 7.4-inch display size. At the same time, the software automatically adapts the content to the new size in real-time.

Continuously Variable Display

Oppo has labelled the display a ‘Continuously Variable Display’, the user can customise the screen size to their need so they aren’t limited to 6.7-inches or 7.4-inches. The display uses a motorised display that tucks into a hidden compartment. The idea of rollable display isn’t new as LG has developed its rollable OLED TV.

The Future

As display technologies continue to advance through foldable, rollable, and transparent display, new types of the device will start to emerge. In the coming years, we may see a merge of different device types such as smartphone and tablets or tablets and laptops through these new technologies. Our consumption habits and buying habits may change as well which we saw with the introduction of the iPhone’s multi-touch display technology. This opened up more interactive content to be created and consumed on the go. With these new technologies, websites and applications will need to be more responsive to cater to these new display technologies.

Video: Oppo X 2021 Rollable Smartphone First Look by XEETECHCARE


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